The Angus AP2000 pump is a heavy duty portable fire or industrial pump that combines the benefits of high pressure firefighting performance with the ability to move large volumes of water continuously.
The AP2000 design has been specifically developed to meet the needs of the emergency services and incorporates features to ensure easy and reliable operation in fire and rescue situations.
Powered by a high performance, 1.6 litre diesel engine the AP2000 is capable of delivering 2000 litres/minute at 7 bar.
Electric start and exhaust ejector priming mean the pump can be brought into service quickly and easily in an emergency situation.
CoolFire is an innovative, rapid response technology which provides a firefighter with the advantage of being able to attack fire from a relatively safe position outside a building or structure.
Because of its ability to penetrate virtually any material, CoolFire gives firefighters a huge flexibility in where they can attack a fire from (up through a concrete floor, sideways from an unaffected structure, for example) – a choice that is usually aided by the use of a thermal camera system to pinpoint hot spots and hot gas build up.
PPV can be used to carry the water mist through complex structures and/or clear residual steam or smoke.
Phone/WA: 0818-328-588
Email: sales@rantai-laut.com
Phone/WA: 0818 - 18 800 0125
Email: sales@rantai-laut.com